Racial Justice Work and Infrastructure
It was wonderful finally to be able to meet again in person a couple of weeks ago for the first time since the lockdown. Because we were outside, we didn’t wear masks, but did make sure to stay physically distanced. As everyone is doing these days, we’re learning how best to go forward and adapt to these unusual circumstances.
The main items on our agenda were to discuss our views and approach to the national situation regarding racial issues happening now, as well as how to continue preparing our space for when we’re able to open back up to the public.
Out of our discussion, we came up with some ideas on how we would like to contribute to creating greater racial justice within our community, which we plan to incorporate into our upcoming programs. We’ll be giving more details about this as we see which of these are most appropriate at the time.
Besides health safety concerns, there is some vital infrastructure that we’ll be needing as we reopen, to allow us to handle larger groups. These include a separate driveway and parking area, and restrooms. But everything we currently have planned hinges on the installation of a pond due to the annual heavy spring flooding that inundates a large section of the land. We’ve currently been on hold with that due to a tri-county drain commission project that was supposed to help alleviate the flooding, but which seems to have been put on hold due to the pandemic. So we are looking into what we might be able to do on our own in the meantime, to be able to continue moving forward with our plans.
Become a Supporter
Though we’re not asking the community to finance the improvements to the property, we do need funding for the operation of the nonprofit. This would include such things as the overhead costs we’ve already incurred for becoming a 501c3, attorney costs for incorporating, and liability insurance. In the future, the nonprofit will pay rent for the use and upkeep of the land and infrastructure. So we very much appreciate all who are able to help out in that way, and also those working with us to get the word out, and volunteering in various ways.
Thank you for your continued support! If you would like to sign up as a member on Patreon to help make our work possible, you can do so at the following link. https://www.patreon.com/crossinghedgerowssanctuary?fan_landing=true