Mission Statement

Crossing Hedgerows Sanctuary is a non-denominational Pagan spiritual community open to all regardless of ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, disability, age, or gender. Our mission is to develop and maintain our land through regenerative practices and permaculture design, so it may be a center for a variety of activities and programs for the community. Activities and programs include seasonal celebrations, community potlucks, music, story-telling, workshops for various skills, crafts, and arts, community gardening, and gatherings for working with plant medicine and healing. As a member of the Botanical Sanctuary Network, we likewise have a focus on the conservation of rare, endangered, and native species of plants and the insects which accompany them. We are open to sharing this space with all who are respectful of the land.

We facilitate these activities by exchanging use of the Sanctuary for work days and/or a sliding-scale yearly paid membership, and/or fees for individual programs and workshops. Our focus is to be in harmony with all the life around us, maintaining integrity with our spiritual beliefs and actions. Find us on Patreon to become a member today.